Planning for the Future You Want


The Not Enough 

People who haven’t yet got enough money to live the life they want to. They need to know how much money they need to support the rest of their lives, and it is very likely that they currently have insufficient monies to do this

The Just Rights 

They have just the right amount of money to live the life they want to live and never run out of money. The problem is they just don’t know it!

The More Than Enough 

They are never going to run out of money. They may even, dare I say it, have too much money based on their current lifestyle.
I can help all these clients to understand what is needed to ensure that they enjoy their money, whether it be to create a savings plan, a spending programme, to help them de-risk their investments, or even stop work or sell their business, and allow them to do the things they love.

In all cases, I give them peace of mind and a plan to help them achieve their goals.

"The trouble is, you think you have time" 


If you are considering becoming a client, you probably feel that one of the above applies to you (you may not yet know which one) and you want answers to the following:

  • You want to understand how much is enough
  • You want to know how much you need to live the life you want without fear of running out of money
  • You want to understand what needs to happen to secure your family’s future so they never worry about money, whatever happens
  • You want to stop doing what you no longer enjoy and start doing more of the things that you love
  • You want an advisory relationship based on positive outcomes, not products
  • You want to ensure that you remain on track to achieve your goals and to make any adjustments required as necessary

We will happily work with young families, mature families, people pre- and post- retirement, and corporates. 

Everybody has their own uniqueness, their own dreams and aspirations. My role is to help you discover yours.

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